B.A. Honors in Public Administration is an undergraduate Public Administration degree program. The course at School of Social Science comprises the primary study of various theories of administration, public organization, public services and the constitutional framework. Precisely, B.A. in Public Administration teaches and trains the students in democratic values such as equality, justice, fundamentals and social order. The students are also taught to take the responsibility of determining the policies and programmes of the government.
This course offered by Renaissance University is primarily for Candidates who plan on pursuing a Masters’ degree in Public administration. They choose this course because some topics of postgraduate are taught here and they obtain opportunities of clearing many concepts once and for all. Those who want to contribute in Indian administration system with an innovative mindset should also go for this course. They should have good leadership qualities such as oratory skills, fluent communication and analytical and alike other things required for it. The scope of this degree is manifold in various fields, the most common being that it not only makes you eligible but also gives you a better chance to qualify the Indian Civil Services examinations. Law schools are a very common destination now-a-days for recent graduates in Public Administration.