RU DET Syllabus Psychology


Unit 1: Theoretical foundation of psychology
Introduction of psychology.
Classical Psychoanalysis: Freud, Adler, Jung, Sullivan, Horney. Behaviorism and Gestalt psychology. Theories of learning, motivation and emotions. Theories of Personality.
Experiemental psychology: Introduction, Contribution of Weber, Fechner, Wundt & Galton. Sensory Processes: Visual and Auditory; Perceptual Processes.
Psychophysics: Problems, Methods of Classical Psychophysics. Signal Detection Theory: Basic Concepts, Assumptions and Applications.
Classical Conditioning: Nature and Process; Factors affecting Classical Conditioning; Instrumental and Operant Conditioning: Basic Concepts, Schedules of Reinforcement; Applications. Verbal Learning: Methods, Organizational Processes, Discrimination Learning: Nature and Paradigms.
Unit 2: Cognitive psychology:
Historical Background, Scope, Approaches- Top down, Bottom-Up, and Information Processing, Methods of study- Behavioural and Physiological . Attention: Nature, Capacity and Information Processing. Selective Attention, Divided Attention. Pattern Recognition. Types of Memory, Models of Memory, Structure and Processes of Language Acquisition.
Unit 3: Social psychology
Nature and Scope of Social Psychology Methods- Experimental, Survey, Ethnography, Cross-Cultural; and Sociometric. Ethical Issues in Social Psychological Research.
Socialization Processes- Nature, Approaches, Agencies Social Perception- Non-Verbal Communication, Attribution Process, Theories of Attribution, Impression Formation. Social Cognition- Schemas and its Impact, Heuristics and Social Inferences
Attitude- Nature, Formation, Maintenance and Attitude Changes (Heider’s and Festinger) Social Influence- Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination: Causes and Effects
Group Dynamics and Norms: Social Identity, Crowd Behaviour. Aggression- Nature, Sources; and Theories- Biological, Social Learning and Cognitive. Strategies of Aggression Control. Helping Behaviour- Altruism and Pro-social Behaviour, Theoretical Perspectives, Bystander Effect
Unit 4: Mental abilities:
Intelligence: Nature, Historical views, Neurological Foundation, Genetic Basis, Environmental Influences. Racial and Gender differences. Hierarchical Theories: Spearman, Thurstone, Guilford, Cattell, Horn, Carroll.
Information Processing Theories: Jensen, Das, Eysenck, Sternberg, Gardner, Goleman. Measurement of Intelligence: Issues and approaches- Psychometric Tests, Biological measures- Brain size volume, EEG.
Creativity: Nature, Historical views. Theories: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Developmental, and Psychometric. Factors Affecting Creativity: Genetic, Neurobiological, and Sociocultural. Its Relation with Intelligence, Personality, Motivation, Culture and Everyday Life. Assessment of Creativity.
Unit 5: Counselling psychology:
Operating system concepts, Processor Management: Concepts, Algorithms for batch processing Memory Management, File System organization, I/O Subsystems, distributed and network operating system etc.
Concurrent Processes: Mutual exclusion and synchronization, Deadlock CPU scheduling, Handling File Management: Operations on a file, structure of a file system Free block list, directory structure, sharing and protection of files, file system Reliability, Memory Allocation Related Functions.
Real Time Operating Systems: Definitions of process, tasks and threads.
Unix editor: Introduction, features Basic commands (like: pwd, cp, cd, rm, mv, ls, cat, mkdir, ch mod, rmdir, who, who am I, banner, date, kill, etc.), Creating new files.
Shell programming: Features of shell, Unix system administration: Adding and removing users and Kernel.
DOS: Description of DOS OS, Commands of DOS.
Unit 6: Clinical Psychology
Nature and scope of clinical psychology, Goals and limitations of Psychotherapy. Role of psycho-therapist, Therapeutic relation. Psychoanalysis as a therapeutic technique. Applications of Behaviour modification Therapy : Systematic desensitization, Aversion therapy, Assertive training, Modelling.
Clinical Disorders, Diagnoses and its methods: Case History, Interview and Observation. Anxiety Disorders, Psychosomatic Disorders and Schizophrenia: Nature, types, causes and treatment. Sexual Dysfunctions, Mood Disorders, Suicide and Loneliness: Nature, types, causes and treatment. Intellectual Disability, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Alcohol-Related Disorders, Stimulant-Related Disorders. Psycho diagnostics, Ethical issues in testing. Clinical vs Statistical prediction.
Diagnosis and its methods: Case study, Interview and Observation- Application, advantages and limitations. Training of a clinical psychologist.
Phenomenological models: Rogers therapy, Gestalt therapy, Existential analysis. Psychodrama. Overt and covert sensitization. Physio-chemical therapies and Electroconvulsive Therapy. Cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) ,Yoga and meditation, Community psychiatry.
Intelligence and Memory Tests: Administration, Scoring, Interpretation, Advantages and Limitations (a) Weschsler’s Adult Intelligence Scale. (b) Wechsler’s Intelligence Scale for Children. (c) Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Tests. (d) PGI Memory Scale Theoretical issues, Administration, Scoring and Interpretation of Personality Tests (MMPI and 16 PF) and Projective Techniques (Rorschach Inkbot Test and Thematic Apperception Test)
Unit 7: Organizational and Industrial Psychology -I
Introduction, concept of Human Resource Development, Leadership, Leadership styles, Reddin’s three dimensional model, Hersey and Blanchard’s Life Cycle, Likert’s four systems of management, Vroom – Yetton normative model, Decision Making.
Organizational Development, Communication, Organizational Power and Politics, Stress Management. Time Management. Accidents and Safety, Safety measures.
Consumer Psychology: Advertising and Salesmanship, brief introduction to marketing research. Organizational Climate, Organizational Change. Personnel Selection and Placement, Performance Appraisal. Training of Personnel: Principles and methods of training, evaluation of training programmes.
Introduction, Historical Development, Individual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives Approaches to study Health psychology, Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Health. Social Environment and Health, Global health trends; Health care systems, socio-economic factors in health; Gender and health. Stress and Health: Definition, nature, types, causes and consequences of stress. Stress management. Stress disorders. Health promoting and health endangering lifestyles and beliefs. Pain and Pain Management, Treatment Adherence, Patient Empowerment Health Promotion: Definition and Meaning, Health Promotion Approaches: Community Development Approach, Self-Empowerment Approach, Behavior change Approach, Ideology of Health Promotion.

Pablo Picasso Painting Club

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, print maker, ceramicist and theatre designer. Throughout the long course of his career, he created more than 20,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and other items such as costumes and theatre sets. He is universally renowned as one of the most influential and celebrated artists of the twentieth century.
Pablo Picasso Painting Club at Renaissance University provides a platform to all the members to express their talents in the field of art which otherwise would have remained hidden. It is a community of art enthusiasts with a motive to provide each other a safe space to stay connected and listen to their art. The club has been instrumental in bringing out the creative, expressive and aesthetic potential of each student through various programmes and sessions.

William Somerset Maugham Literature Club

William Somerset Maugham was an English author and playwright. He was one of the highest-paid writers of the early to mid-twentieth century, Maugham wrote fiction, memoir, travelogues, and plays.
The Literature Club at Renaissance University Indore aims to promote all literary related domains such as short story writing, book reading, debating, poem reciting, impromptu speaking, storytelling, creative writing etc. among students. The club throughout the year designs and conducts events aimed at honing these skills.
The Literary Club has been founded to promote language and literature. Through these activities, literary coordinators (student and teacher) reach out to language and literature lovers and try to create a space for sharing ideas, emotions and thoughts. The Club is instrumental in building a community of creative, imaginative and thoughtful human beings.