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- RU DET Syllabus Management
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
Part 1 General Management
Managerial Processes, Functions, Skills and Roles of Managers, CSR Planning: Nature and purpose, planning process, principles of planning, types of planning, advantages and limitation of planning.
Strategies and Policies: Concept of Corporate Strategy, formulation of strategy, Types of strategies, Types of policies, principles of formulation of policies,
Decision Making
Organizing: Nature and Purpose of Organizing, Bases of Departmentation, Span of management, Line – Staff relationship & conflict, Delegation – Bases & Kind of Delegation. Decentralization- Methods of Decentralization, Management by Objective (MBO)
Controlling: Concept and Process of Control. Control Techniques.
Business Communication: Importance and nature of business communication, Effective communication skills; Process of communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal communication. Barriers in communication
Nature and scope of Managerial Economics: Marginal analysis: Objective of a firm. Demand function. Elasticity of demand and its significance in Managerial decision-making: Cost curves and economics of scale: Price and output determination under – perfect, monopoly, monopolistic and oligopoly competition.
Business Environment: PESTEL factors
Strategies and Policies: Concept of Corporate Strategy, formulation of strategy, Types of strategies, Types of policies, principles of formulation of policies,
Decision Making
Organizing: Nature and Purpose of Organizing, Bases of Departmentation, Span of management, Line – Staff relationship & conflict, Delegation – Bases & Kind of Delegation. Decentralization- Methods of Decentralization, Management by Objective (MBO)
Controlling: Concept and Process of Control. Control Techniques.
Business Communication: Importance and nature of business communication, Effective communication skills; Process of communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal communication. Barriers in communication
Nature and scope of Managerial Economics: Marginal analysis: Objective of a firm. Demand function. Elasticity of demand and its significance in Managerial decision-making: Cost curves and economics of scale: Price and output determination under – perfect, monopoly, monopolistic and oligopoly competition.
Business Environment: PESTEL factors
Part 2 Marketing Management
Nature, scope and concept of marketing; Understanding consumer and Industrial markets;
Market Segmentation, Targeting and positioning.
Product decisions —product mix, product life cycle, new product development, branding and packaging decisions; Pricing methods and strategies
Promotion decisions — promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling.
Channel management – Types and functions, Selection, Cooperation and conflict management, SCM
Ethics in Marketing
Current Issues in Marketing: Role of Information Technology in Marketing; Brand Equity; Global Marketing-EPRG Framework, International Business Environment. Foreign Market Entry; CRM; Societal Marketing; Green Marketing; Services Marketing: Retail Marketing; Rural Marketing
Market Segmentation, Targeting and positioning.
Product decisions —product mix, product life cycle, new product development, branding and packaging decisions; Pricing methods and strategies
Promotion decisions — promotion mix, advertising, sales promotion, publicity and personal selling.
Channel management – Types and functions, Selection, Cooperation and conflict management, SCM
Ethics in Marketing
Current Issues in Marketing: Role of Information Technology in Marketing; Brand Equity; Global Marketing-EPRG Framework, International Business Environment. Foreign Market Entry; CRM; Societal Marketing; Green Marketing; Services Marketing: Retail Marketing; Rural Marketing
Part 3 Accounting and Financial Management
Accounting concepts and conventions; Formation and importance of accounting Standards; Accounting process;
Journal, ledger and trial balance: Preparation of Financial Statement – Trading and P & L Account and Balance Sheet
Management Accounting: Nature, scope and tools of Management Accounting; Management Accounting vs. Financial accounting; financial analysis, Ratio analysis, Fund- flow statement, Cash-flow
Statement Depreciation: Depreciation concept, advantages and disadvantages, SLM and WDV Methods.
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis: BEP, Margin of Safety, P/V Ratio.
Ratio Analysis—Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage, Activity.
Leverage Analysis: Operating Financial and Combined Leverages Capital Budgeting: Time Value of Money, DCF and Non DCF Methods for Evaluating Projects.
Cost of Capital: Cost of Debt, Cost of Preference, Cost of Equity, Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital structure, Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital – Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.
Primary Market & Secondary Market: Regulation of Indian Securities Market; Stock Market Volatility.
Journal, ledger and trial balance: Preparation of Financial Statement – Trading and P & L Account and Balance Sheet
Management Accounting: Nature, scope and tools of Management Accounting; Management Accounting vs. Financial accounting; financial analysis, Ratio analysis, Fund- flow statement, Cash-flow
Statement Depreciation: Depreciation concept, advantages and disadvantages, SLM and WDV Methods.
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis: BEP, Margin of Safety, P/V Ratio.
Ratio Analysis—Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage, Activity.
Leverage Analysis: Operating Financial and Combined Leverages Capital Budgeting: Time Value of Money, DCF and Non DCF Methods for Evaluating Projects.
Cost of Capital: Cost of Debt, Cost of Preference, Cost of Equity, Weighted Average Cost of Capital.
Theories of capital structure, Factors determining capital structure, Optimum capital structure; Management of working capital – Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Modeling.
Primary Market & Secondary Market: Regulation of Indian Securities Market; Stock Market Volatility.
Part 4 Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour
Concept of HR, Evolution, functions.
Acquisition of Human Resources: Job Analysis, Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Placement, Promotion and Transfer.
Development of Human Resources: Training & Development, Performance Appraisal, Career and Succession Planning.
Maintenance of Human Resource: Compensation and Reward Management, Employee Welfare; Industrial Relations, Trade Unions; Dispute Resolution & Grievance Management.
Organisational Behaviour: Personality, Perception, Values, Job Attitudes. Learning, Motivation- Concept and Theories, Leadership- significance, styles and theories, Group Behaviour- Defining and Classifying Groups, Group Structure and Processes, Conflict, Negotiation and Inter Group Behavior, Organizational Change; Conflict Management; Stress Management.
Acquisition of Human Resources: Job Analysis, Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Placement, Promotion and Transfer.
Development of Human Resources: Training & Development, Performance Appraisal, Career and Succession Planning.
Maintenance of Human Resource: Compensation and Reward Management, Employee Welfare; Industrial Relations, Trade Unions; Dispute Resolution & Grievance Management.
Organisational Behaviour: Personality, Perception, Values, Job Attitudes. Learning, Motivation- Concept and Theories, Leadership- significance, styles and theories, Group Behaviour- Defining and Classifying Groups, Group Structure and Processes, Conflict, Negotiation and Inter Group Behavior, Organizational Change; Conflict Management; Stress Management.
Part 5 Management Science and Information Technology (IT)
Production and Operations Management: Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management: Facility Location; Types of Manufacturing Systems and Layouts; Layout Planning and Analysis; Line Balancing; Production Planning and Control in Mass Production, in Batch and Job Order manufacturing; Capacity Planning: Product Planning and Selection, Process Planning, Aggregate Planning and .Master Production Scheduling; Material Management: An Overview of Material Management, Material Requirement Planning and Inventory Control: JIT; Purchase Management; Stores Management. Quality Assurance: Acceptance Sampling. Statistical Quality Control, Total Quality Management; ISO- 9000.
Computers, Hardware, Software, Operating system, Memories, Basics of MS Office, Role of IT in Management, Internet, Recent Development in IT.
Computers, Hardware, Software, Operating system, Memories, Basics of MS Office, Role of IT in Management, Internet, Recent Development in IT.